Thursday, September 6, 2012


Going to Silver-wood
By Michael Johnson

            Have you ever been to silver-wood? Don’t. Disneyland is better. But silverwood is still fun. Anyway, I went with my siblings and my uncle and aunt to silverwood once. We basically went on the ride scrambler a bunch, wich is a ride that whips you around really fast.

            First, I dared my uncle to say “hey hotso” to one of the girls. We then had fun with a game that involved getting on, WOOSHH we yell nonsense like “will you mary me?” or “my heart belongs to you!”  and then WOOSH! We were carried away.

            We also saw a magic show and played a game called FIND THE FAULT IN THE MAGIC were we’re pointing out “oh theres a person right there controlling it” or “theres tottaly a trapdoor right there.”

            There were also roller coasters I liked, but the only ones I was able to get myself to go on were corkscrew and timberwood terror, IN YOUR FACE JAROM WHO IS TOO CHICKEN TO GO ON ANYTHING!

            So anyway, if you want to go to silverwood, GO TO DISNEYLAND INSTEAD!!! It is so much better.

The end

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